Day 42 May 26 - Big mile day

Day 42 May 26 Days miles 19.8 AT Mile 640.8 Started at 660.6
Stayed stealth site off trail
Hiking time 11.5hr
Pass plus/minus - nill
Critter Rescue - 14
Total Deer seen - 1 today 10 total
Total Bear cub - 1

Hiked sobo again,
It was a day of seeing friends, saw Kid Rock and Laura and Paul and Pauls brother who came out for a week to hike with them. We spent like an hour visiting just with them. So I know I had said we had trail names but they were ones we came up with ourselves, but Jen felt we should be named by someone else on the trail. Laura and Paul aka Snail and All Day asked what our trail names were, told them the story and Laura said well you need names, I name you Lost and Found!  You can figure out whose is who. 

The ATC clubs down here know how to build bridges.

Saw a button buck, up close even, it was walking near us.

We had some great views during our walk up on a bald today.

Rescued several Red Efts from being squished in trail.
Jen saw 3 snakes, Garter snakes that didn't make her scream.  

Did a huge mile day, trying to get out a day early and make last day in the rain short.


  1. Still thinking about who is lost and who is found…..😄


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