Day 19 Apr 20 Cheoah Bald

Day 19 Apr 20 Days miles 8 AT mile 147.4
Stayed at Locus Cove Gap campsite
Notable 2600ft Ascent, 1900 descent

We climbed up a double peak mt today in the heat, Cheoah Bald, at 5052 ft elevation. It was tough on all of us with the heat. The thing about the sun down here is the high noon hot sun lasts from 11 to 3pm!
Note Jen finally saw a mountain marker!

We made it to the Locus Cove Gap campsite that has water and called it good for the day. Several hikers we knew and several new ones also joined us at this campsite and we stayed up to hiker midnight (8pm) and chatted it up.  For my memory there is Caveman, No name Michael, Magic from Germany, Firefly also from Germany.
 We have only 17 miles to reach Fontana Dam where Allagash is getting picked up for her kennel stay while we do the Smokies. She won't get picked up till either Sunday or Monday so no rush! Logistics is the second hardest part aside from climbing in and out of Gaps!


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