Day 26 Apr 27 More Rain!
Day 26 Apr 27, Days miles 12.6 AT Mile 223.4 Hike time 7hrs Camped at Tri Corner Knob shelter Last night was the first time we stayed in a shelter and was quite pleasant, everyone was nice, no one smoked in the shelter and all went to bed at hiker midnight (8 pm). So today was another cold, wet, rainy, muddy, miserable day. We did make good time with an average speed of 1.8mph! We only did 12 miles because you have to camp at a shelter and that was the best distance foe us to do. Options were 8 miles (too short), 12 miles and the 20 miles(to far!). We were in the clouds for almost all day but did get about 3 minutes on one ridge to have a view. Alot of today was walking on the top of ridges that are like knife edge on Katahadin, very cool. We made it to the shelter just before 4pm and it started to pour from just a steady rain. All fed and set up we were in our sleeping bags by 6pm. As the evening wore on more an...