Final 2023 Update
So after our last day hiking on Aug 6th we had events that needed our time and it took us away from the trail for a long time and we have decided to call it for the year. We may try to come back and finish it next year but have no idea at this point if we will. We did get to see some of the friends we met along the trail later. We had friends on trail nearby and we went to camp to meet them. We also did trail magic at the RT 27 trail head near camp while we waited for them and saw some friends passing through. This is Lucky and Dreamsicle, we met Lucky way down in Georga and Jen became her trail mom. We hiked off and on with her for awhile and then we got separated but kept tabs on each other. We caught up with her before NewJersey and she had a hiking partner, Dreamsicle. We picked them up at the rt27 trailhead outside of Stratton and hung out with them for an Nero, shuttled them around to resupply, get mail and took them to the brewery and then bought them back to t...