Day 86 July 19

Day 86 July 19 Days miles 17 AT Mile 1384.3
Staying in AutoHome camper at trail head in Delaware Gap
Hiking time 8.5 hr
Pass plus/minus: ??
Critter Rescue -  5+ Efts!
Total Deer seen - 0 today , 93 total
Animals seen today - 0

Today was tough, getting more elevation, not so much as in being really high up, but the climbs were steep.
Lots of bouldering, lots of bugs and streams were brimming but was able to keep our feet dry.

The trail was up on a ridge for quite a while and lots of rock crawling getting up and down this ridge multiple times.
Our speed was much slower with the rock crawling, steep inclines and water crossings we had to navigate today.

There was a really great waterfall we got to see, a trail maintainer Jen spoke to said it's normally dry come July.

We completed another milestone with crossing over into NY from NJ as well, another state done.

We saw several old stone foundations and stone wall remnants which I'm aure have a lot of history and stories behind them.

Afterwards we took a drive to see a friend Lucky who is about 90 miles behind us. She was at Delaware Gap and off trail for the evening so was a chance to say hi and catch up with her.


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