Day 71 June 30

Day 71 June 30 Days miles 19.2 AT Mile 1150
Staying at 
Hiking time 8.5hr
Pass plus/minus: 5
Critter Rescue - 7
Total Deer seen - 1 today , 56 total
Animals seen today - Bunny's, deer, frogs

Today's goal was to make it to Duncannon so we would have a short hike tomorrow to the car so we have time to get things done, ie resupply shopping and also it's looking like it's gonna rain in the afternoon tomorrow.

We stealth camped last night in a neighborhoody area and it was noise from a highway. 
 But the worst noise was from a bird that was hanging out near us and was squaking all night long! So in the morning Jen installed the Merlin app to help identify it. We got its sound recorded by the app and it could not identify it. She thought it was a peacock qnd once in town we listened to a YouTube video and sure enough that is what it was!

We did a lot of hiking at ill call ground level, in woods and through farm fields. The woods areas could easily be Maine. We stopped in the morning at an Armish farm stand and had ice cream and a Gatorade. Its gotten very smoky here.
New thing we are seeing trail maintainers do is lay out tree bark in low lying areas where it must get wet and muddy.
Also here is our deer for the day.

Then the trail turned up and had several climbs till we were on a ridge for the rest of the day. It is really smoky here now and there is even a red air quality alert. At elevation the trail in PA is super rocky, ankle twisting rocky. 

At the end of the ridge was a super steep down, that was mostly huge steps made for the jolly green giant. At the end we entered Duncannon, was now walking with another hiker that was staying at the local hotel which also had a pub so we joined him for food and beer before going to the church hostel which is great. It's in the basement of the pastors home and is cool, has a shower and a great place to relax.
A near old building in town we walked by on way for ice cream.
The hostel we stayed at.


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