It's getting real!

We have had a lot to do this week to get ready, but first I need to back up to the end of last week.  Allagash went to the vet and discovered she had Anaplasmosis so she on antibiotics and will be while in the trail!  She is feeling better already which is good.

Monday Allagash got her spa day and all buffed and trimmed up for the trail.
Tuesday Jen and I got our hair cut for the trail, sorry no pic.

Today, Wednesday we picked up our rental car for the drive to Georga, always fun to drive a fancy new car!
While down south we made one last run to REI to pick up a couple light weight fleeces as it sounds like it's been colder on the trail in Georga than typical.  We also got a
Alli one for her, ugh more weight.
We weighed our packs all in with food and full water and I'm at 31lbs and Jens is 33lbs..  UGH

Other things today, lots of last minute things to do, clean out firdge, last dump run, check on mail forwarding, drop off our food packages to mail out, wash cars and so on.

So that's it, to bed early and super early start to drive down.



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